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1hr 15min

'Intuitive Reading & Guidance + Energy Healing' sessions are basically an 'Intuitive Reading,' 'Energy Healing'  & MORE all combined. This session is designed to empower you to experience life through the lens of your Soul and align you with all you are asking for in life. You deserve to experience a fulfilling life attracting all you desire . This is session is about addressing what is needed most in your life and aligning you with the greatest version of you, your Heart Spirit Self. Using the science of intuition, we pull information from your Soul, Universe, the energy around us, Guides, etc. to get clear on what you'd most like to know, the greatest blocks in the way of  getting what you want, and align you with your highest Soul priorities, desires, mission & fulfilling life experience. 


I believe each of us on this Planet has a Divine Soul Mission & can experience the life we desire. By learning simple practices, the ones we should have been taught in school, the life experience becomes wonderful. You deserve to remember who you really are - the Authentic Self. This Self attracts with ease a life you desire.


The questions you have for your life can be answered. You are a beautiful Spirit deserving to experience a  life that is as special as you. and guess what? The life you desire is possible to access, it's all within you. Each session includes an Energy Healing that is intuitively selected specifically for you.

Investment: $400



Once you have payed for your private session you will receive an email within 24 hrs to schedule your Intuitive Reading & Guidance +  Energy Healing Session with Nicky Moriarty.


Within 24 hours, you will receive an email response that will include:

  - possible days/times for your session

- any additional information to optimize the session

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