1:1 Intuitive Reading & Guidance + Energy Healing Session
What Are These Sessions?
In these 1:1 Intuitive Reading Sessions, we use intuition as a way to read your energy to identify the biggest block holding you back from aligning with your highest expression and ultimate Soul Path. Ready to heal the body, feel your highest levels of clarity, attract your dream romantic partner or financial abundance, connect with your purpose, etc? These sessions are designed to give you your greatest explosion of goodness in regards to anything in your life. These are essentially quantum leap sessions to give you the SOURCE CLARITY you deserve.

Imagine This...
Imagine not having to feel indecisive, unclear or stuck in regards to direction in your life. Imagine the Soul breath that could emerge from that. You do not have to hope for Clarity only in some special moments of chance in life. We have access to feel these high levels of Source Clarity whenever we are ready. These intuitive reading & guidance sessions are designed
to align you with where your Soul wants to go in
the most seamless effeceint way possible
We uncover the greatest
block holding you back
from connecting with what
you most want, happiness
Whether you seek clarity on personal matters, relationships, career choices, physical ailments or
any other aspect of your life, these sessions are designed to provide you with answers, solutions, and the clarity you desire. My aim is to help you identify the primary obstacles that hinder your ability to attract what you want, and to align your energy
with your deepest desires and aspirations.
You Will Receive an
Energy Healing
In addition to the intuitive guidance, you will also receive a personalized energy healing. This healing is designed specifically for you, targeting your unique energy patterns and providing the most beneficial support to harmonize and revitalize your being.
Join us for these empowering and enlightening sessions as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Together, we will unravel the mysteries of your existence and empower you
to embrace the life you truly desire.
How This Works:
Once you have payed for your private session you will receive an email within 24 hrs to schedule
your Intuitive Reading with
Nicky Moriarty.
Within 24 hours, you will receive an
email response that will include:
- possible days/times for your session
- any additional information
to optimize the session