You will learn how to read energy like a book
You will learn how to pull detailed information
from the past, present, future, your higher self,
Source, the Akashic Records & MORE!
You will gain the life benefits of tapping into your own personal intuition and honing in on it, which saves you time, expedites your success, gives instant access to clarity on decisions, helps you heal yourself, etc.
You will learn how to do FULL BLOWN
intuitive readings for yourself and others
You will be able to use your intuition as a way to
identify the optimal path to attract you DREAM
LIFE (examples: dream romantic partner,
financial abundance, your dream career, all of it)
You will learn how to have two way
communication with all energy including
Source, your Higher Self & Mother Earth
You will learn the questions to ask that will guarantee the most accuracy with your intuitive answers.
You will get weekly practice doing intuitive
reads for others (We will break out into
small groups during class on Zoom).
You will learn 8+ different forms on how to use your intuition, which guarantees accurate answers.
You will receive an 'Intuition Energy Healing'
that will significantly boost your intuition
You will learn how to differentiate
your intuition vs. your ego.
You will learn all about the science of intuition
You will learn how to make intuitive-based
decisions for what is in your own personal
highest good -- anywhere from which food to
eat all the way to major life-changing decisions.
You will learn how to protect
and shield your own energy.
You will get weekly practice doing
intuitive reads for yourself.
Each week you will receive "homework" to
practice and do before class the following week.

Connect with Your Intuition

The Art of Self Love
What You Get

You will be learning how to see yourself as the most remarkable version of who you really are
You will learn how to get others to love
and see you for who you really are
You will learn the high conscious spiritual techniques that allows you to protect your energy
You will be learning the self love ingredients to
elevate every aspect of every area of your life
You will learn how to align with high conscious beautiful loving relationships within all
areas using Self Love (romantic,
social, family, business)
You will learn how to specifically increase your levels of Self Love that you could only get through the intuitive skill sets you'll be learning
You will learn the Self Love techniques that no talks
about but is changing lives
You will learn how to heal trauma, emotional wounds and energy blocks using Self Love
You will learn how to LOVE your Self Image
You will learn the Self Love techniques that allow
you to actually LOVE your physical body
You get to learn how to LOVE what you see in the mirror - like actually love love what you see
You will learn how to connect with your highest levels of joy and happiness with self love
You will be learning the remarkable ways to begin
feeling straight up AMAZING
You will be learning the scientific, spiritual & energetic laws in LOVING YOU
How to heal all aspects of your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health with Self Love
The highest vibration Self Love tools + practices
What You Get

Manifestation Mastery
PRECISELY the step by step of how to gaurante you
attract what it is you specifically desire
How to use intuition as a way to identify what will bring your Soul the greatest levels of happiness
You will learn how to use intuition to identify your inherent high level skill sets and talents + learn how to attract a life that is in alignment with those innate loves and gifts
How to manifest ANYTHING your Soul Desires
- you will learn all about energetic ingredients (the exact formula to attract whatever it is your desire)
The scientific, spiritual & energetic laws in manifesting
How to use intuition as a way
to attract what your Soul Desires
You will learn all about why you have not been manifesting
what you want and how you can completely change that
You will learn how to use all of life's
obstacles as a way to attract what you
desire and align with your purpose
You will learn what is referred to as the law of 'reflections'-how life is a direct reflection of your energy and how you can use this to alleviate life adversity in your life

Become Your Own Energy Healer
What You Get
You will be learning how to manipulate light and energy with one of the highest vibration healing modalities in the world
You will learn how to use energy healing as a way to heal emotional wounds, trauma and energy blocks
You will learn how heal physical ailments with energy work
You will learn HOW to reverse + stop the effects of aging with energy work
You will learn how to intuitively identify the emotional root cause of physical ailment and the step by step intuitive process to heal it with energy work
You will learn how to open the 7 Main Energy Centers within the body referred to as chakras + how to intuitively read your chakras and others peoples
You will learn all the ins and outs of energy work
You will learn how to conduct the highest vibration energy
healing modality in the world
You will learn how to open your third eye and how
to recover any missing pieces of this area
You will learn how to properly connect
with Source + Mother Earth
You will learn how to cut energetic
cords from you and other people
You will learn how to repair damaged or wounded chakras
You will learn how to use energy healing as a way to connect
with your Soul Wealth and attract financial abundance
You will learn how to full on become your own energy healer
You will learn many more energy healings that will significantly change your life in ways you
could have only dreamed of

We are energetic beings living a physical reality. Energy Work is a way to alleviate the ailments in our lives and raise our vibration to connect more with what we desire. All of life is energy. We can heal ourselves, raise our vibration, connect deeper with who we really are, all with this beautiful practice. Are you ready to learn how?
Are you ready to be your
own energy healer?
The Path to Empowerment Graduates

Julie Mullins

Hannah Anderson

Yolanda De La Torre

Madeline Louie
Are you tired of feeling like you
are not getting what you desire?
Do you feel like deep down you
have tremendous potential but don't
quite know how to capture that?
Have you ever felt like deep down
you were pretty dang intuitive?
Do you wish that this whole 'Self Love'
thing felt easier and just more do-able?
Do you feel like deep down you
have tremendous purpose?
Are you done hoping that you will get
what you want and not actually getting it?
Do you ever feel like you
are living someone else's life?
Are you ready to feel absolute love,
purpose and happiness in your life?

Self Love


Energy Healing

You will be learning how to connect with your intuition in the first 4 weeks of the
course & developing
your intuition through
out the 22 weeks
You will be giving and receiving high conscious Source accurate intuitive readings each and every week (literally worth thousands and
thousands of dollars) !!!!
You will be learning Self Love techniques that will increase your happiness in all areas of life the following 4 weeks of this course.
We will be learning the different aspects of
Self Love that will allow
enjoy your life!
Aren't you tired of always worrying what others are thinking of you, feeling the so many people put you 2nd, giving all this love and not receiving it? All that is going to change big time.
You will learn the precise step by step scientific formula in manifesting the life your Soul Desires. You will learn how energetic ingredients put you in perfect relationship with what it is your asking for... If you do not get it yet, lemme say it again for ya...You can manifest anything your Soul
Desires baby Got it?!
You will be learning how to literally be your own energy healer with one of the highest vibration healing modalities in the world. We are energetic beings living a physical reality. Energy Work is a way to alleviate the ailments in our lives and raise our vibration to connect more with what we desire. All of life is energy. We can heal ourselves, raise our vibration, connect deeper with who we really are, all with this beautiful practice. Are you ready to learn how? Are you ready to be your own energy healer?

The Path to Empowerment
is RIGHT for you if...
You feel you have a deep Purpose and Calling on this Planet
You are ready to align with the growth and success in your life around your career, finances, relationships, and/or health.
You are ready to learn how to receive clear definite answers and gain clarity from your own inner guidance system and Source (God/The Universe/Light).
You feel inherently intuitive and are ready to live a life guided by your Soul Mission
You are ready to learn the difference between your fear and your intuition
You are tired of everyone else telling you how to think, be, or act
You have always been really sensitive and feel other people's emotions.
You are ready to learn how to protect your energy and finally be able to differentiate your thoughts, feelings, and emotions from the thoughts, feelings and emotions of other people.
You have been called an Old Soul
You are ready to unleash one of the greatest aspects of who you really are
You are ready to live a life empowered by who you really and NOT by the opinion of others
You are ready to access the answers to your highest potential
The Path to Empowerment
is NOT RIGHT for you if...
you want to keep living a life by the opinion of others
you want to continue experiencing the SAME obstacles in your life over and over again without any tangible ways to release them
you want to keep giving your power to others
you want to be stuck in other peoples energy
you want to live a life influenced my someones opinion
you are not ready to step into the highest expression of who you really are
you are not ready to take radical responsibility for your life

With The Path to Empowerment Container you are getting...
Over $26,000 worth of content
$2,200 VALUE
Connect with Your Intuition
One Month Course
$2,200 VALUE
The Art of Self Love Course
One Month Course
$2,200 VALUE
Manifestation Mastery
One Month Course
$2,200 VALUE
Become Your Own
Energy Healer Course
$14,400 VALUE
18 Live Q&A Classes
$828 VALUE
18+ EXCLUSIVE Journal Prompts
$2,222 VALUE
Light Energy Healings
$444 VALUE
Q&A Vault Community
But that’s NOT what your investment in the program is

If you pay in full for The Path to Empowerment Journey you will receive our Manifest Alotta Money Guided Meditation Energy Healing for FREE that is designed to align
you with the frequency
and vibration of financial abundance
When Does Enrollment Open + Close?
• Enrollment is OPEN!
Can I Take This Course from
Anywhere Around the World?
• YES! Our LIVE Q&A's be hosted on ZOOM
What if I Wanna Sign Up BUT I Can
Not Show Up to Certain Classes?
• GOOD NEWS! Each class is pre recorded
• We will have LIVE Q&A's & you will receive the zoom
recording of all the LIVE Q&A classes in your portal
When Is The First Day of The Course?
• Our first class upload &
live Q&A is to be announced
• All Q&A classes will be recorded
for you if you cannot attend live
Should I Bring Pen +
Paper to Take Notes?
• YES!
How Long is this Course?
• this will be an 22 WEEK course
• we will have a 90min Q&A once a week
• each class is pre-recorded and
will be anywhere between
40 min - 1 hour & 30 minutes
When Can I Sign Up?!
When will I receive the meditation
energy healing if I pay in full?
• You will get this a couple
weeks into the program
What Are You Waiting For?
The Path to Empowerment is officially open for enrollment!
you can officially pay in for The Path to Empowerment in 4 payments of $728
when you pay in full you will receive this course
at the best price of $2,880 + also receive a
bonus manifest alotta money recorded guided meditation & energy healing for FREE <3
you can officially pay in for The Path to Empowerment in 2 payments of $1,448
you can officially pay in for The Path to Empowerment in 8 payments of $368
you can officially pay in for The Path to Empowerment in 12 payments of $248